DEMONS (Bava, 1985)

I think I'll get it a Joe Bob Briggs treatment, and be done with it.
One naked breast. 26 dead bodies. Two lynchings. 11 decapitations. Eyeball popping. One motorcycle attack scene. Two transformation scenes, one which sees a girl's teeth falling out and being replaced by fans, and another in which a demon claws its way out of a girl's back. Gratuitous Go West. Gratuitous Motley Crue. Gratuitous on-screen cocaine use (out of a Coke can, too!). Nipple tweaking via razor blade. Helicoptor fu. Kitana blade fu. Nostradamus fu. Drive-in Hall of Fame award for Bettina Ciampolini for saying "Hey hot dog, next time let's rip off a Ferrari, this heap's got no class", and Bobby Rhodes for saying "We got to stop it I tell you, we got to stop the movie!". Travis says check it out.
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