11 September 2008

it lives!

October is just around the corner, and you know what that means. 31 nights of horror films, for the third year running. Last year's writings are somewhere on a message board I never read anymore, but all of the stuff I wrote from 2006 is still archived here (and MANIAC is, i think, the best piece of film analysis I've written. Which is not to say it's any good, or original, or whatever. Just, y'know, saying.)

This will continue to be pretty much just writing about horror and other types of cult cinema, but I'll most likely post some original fiction stuff that i've been kicking around. I am in the midst of finishing my first screenplay and I imagine bits and pieces of that will end up here at some point. But this is all probably bullshit and I'll just continue to write movie reviews for 3 months till I get sick of it. (Again.)



Blogger Doug Tilley said...

Hey! It's Manos from the DVDVR boards. I don't post much over there anymore, but I put a review blog together for a bunch of us folks who just enjoy writing about movies.

I'll toss a link to your blog on it. Looking forward to the October-fest!

2:53 PM  

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