One of the hardest aspects of counseling is that you can't just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind when a person tells you something. Last night in group, a consumer shared a traumatic experience from his/her childhood. I, being a clinician, asked the consumer if the consumer had ever been in intensive therapy, to properly process the emotions and issues attached to this trauma. Consumer states that consumer has been in therapy, once, and the therapist said, "Oh, you'll get over all this stuff in time" and just generally treated the situations (which is to say, the devastating events that effect the consumer's life in every way imaginable) as a stage, something that someone gets through. Well, yes, OK, that's true; most of the trauma from a person's life can be dealt with. But it can take years for a person to get there, and that one time in a therapist's office was enough for this particular consumer to make the decision to never go back.
A peer from the group responded to what I said, and stated, "Fuck the therapy, fuck the counseling, fuck 12 Stepping. You can do that for years, and what'll you get out of it? Nothing. You need to learn to forgive, and only church is going to give you that".
Now, my initial reaction was to tell the consumers that this is bullshit, and that any clergy member who was presented with the types of issues that this person is going through would direct the person to a therapist, because any clergy member knows that some things need to be handled in a clinical setting. My initial reaction was also to tell this person that religions are all phony and were created from hatred and continue to perpetuate generation after generation of hatred, all in the name of love. And also to tell them that god is a lie and that nothing they're really going through is happening anyway. And that I think drugs are OK in the context of controlled intake and that legalizing all narcotics, every single one, would solve a lot of this country's financial, social, racial, and legal problems.
But I can't say that. I can't say that because we're not friends and we are not having a conversation, and I think that's what most people don't realize about therapy. It's a relationship unlike any you'll experience elsewhere in life. Even if I were to share all of my problems with a priest, I wouldn't trust him to not tell anyone else the second we get out of the confessional booth. A therapist, on the other hand, has actual, physical accrediting and legal bodies to answer to, and that should be enough to ensure confidentiality and trust. But this consumer had a shitty experience with a shitty therapist, and that colored every experience and opinion of therapy that the consumer will hold, and then someone else goes and tells them that counseling won't work and only church will save you and the idea is reinforced in the person's mind.
The incident left kind of a bad taste in my mouth, but I couldn't relate that to the group. I just had to internalize it and process it myself, and I realized that I was doing a lot of inserting my own opinion into the mix, my personal opinions on religion and therapy, and that's not allowed. I don't give advice, I don't state my opinion, except when asked to, and I am not your friend. And I'm way too self-aware to know that every person's subjective experience determines how they interpret the world, and so for me therapy works and church doesn't and for other people the exact opposite is true and we're both OK. But it's hard not to say what I'm thinking, and even harder not to say what I'm feeling. And that's the reality of this work. Maybe the consumer could talk to a priest about what happened and that'd make it all better. I don't know.
Here's what I do know:
1. The consumer saw a shitty therapist who gave pat answers to a serious incident that had long-lasting repercussions in my consumer's life. The consumer saw this shitty therapist because the consumer has shitty health insurance provided by the state that only allows people to see shitty therapists in shitty, over-crowded, over-worked offices in the shittiest parts of the city. Clinicians get their licenses and flee from these shitty offices to open private practices in nicer parts of the city, and they accept only private insurances and they counsel housewives about boredom and stress and prescribe tons of medications and MAKE A KILLING. Here's the promise that I made myself while driving home last night, thinking about all of this: when I get my MSW and my license and I set up my private practice, I will continue to take low income consumers and provide them with quality counseling on a sliding scale basis, and I will market my practice to people who believe in the therapeutic process as much as I do, and if i don't make ends meet, oh well, at least I tried. There is no reason for every single person who wants therapy to not be provided with the highest quality experience possible, regardless of income (which naturally goes hand in hand with race). The most highly-trained, best-equipped counselors should not head for the suburbs, they should continue to help the people who truly need it and want it.
2. The counseling relationship ultimately leads to a power differential. I am not allowed to speak my mind or state my opinion. I am also the focal point of the group, the person that consumers turn to when conversation sputters out and the big, scary Silence sets in. I'm expected to always have an answer, or advice, and the truth is, I don't have any answers, and like I said before, I don't give advice. Perhaps evolutionary therapy has a place for totally honest communication between therapist and consumer? Perhaps there is a place for opinion from the therapist, and also the recognition that the therapist is just a person, not some authority figure granted with powers that you don't have.
3. I am a lucky person to be doing the job I'm doing, getting the experience that I am, and I'm also grossly under-qualified. Shhh!