16 July 2009

feeling nostalgic.

Do you remember going to see THE OMEN remake the night it came out, driving around the parking lot, hearing someone blasting Iron Maiden's "Number of the beast" and laughing, out loud and at length, because we both loved that song and it was June 6, 2006, and I was done undergrad and we still had plans to maybe take over the world together if we didn't end up resenting each other first. but that's all changed now and you've got a kid and I'm still in school and we talked on the phone the other day and you said you're still feeling anxious but the depression is getting worse, and all i can think is, I told you so. I told you to deal with these things and I tried to help you. but more than anything, you taught me that I can't help anyone and no one wants to be saved by anyone other than themselves. That's our legacy, just the lessons I learned and faded memories for an us that doesn't exist anymore, maybe never did in the first place.


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